As teachers we loved taking our students on field trips

knowing once we set foot outside our classroom door

we might be able to show them something they’d never seen before.


I suppose that’s why today even though we’re retired when out the front door we slip…

we can’t wait to see what’s going to happen on our next field trip.


On today’s field trip we set out early…to the beach where we thought it would be fun

to see the full moon as she set and handed the day off to the sun.


When we arrived the moon had the sky all to herself…and for us it was a treat

watching her send a moonbeam across the water that landed at our feet.


Then, gradually, she headed toward the water…slowly saying her goodbyes

to the stars…the clouds…and us…as the sun began to rise.


Then came the moment we rose early to see…

the synergy between the moon and sun…

when…only for a moment…night and day are one.


It is a moment that…no matter how many times we see it…still takes our breath away….

when half the sky is night…and half the sky is day.


None of this takes place in silence…as the waves drummed their rhythm on the shore 

a multitude of birds were singing on the beach and in the air

a chorus we’ve heard a thousand times before.


It is a moment that always feels magical, mysterious and heaven-sent

watching the night become the day…with musical accompaniment.


As we walked to our car…now bathed in sunlight…

We couldn’t help but wonder what adventure is around the next bend…

in a life that’s filled with field trips…we hope will never end.


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