As I was walking in the silence of the morning..

thinking of a friend who died…shedding a few tears…

I started thinking how my relationship with silence has changed over the years.


I have stood mesmerized…in a field…surrounded by the silent falling snow….

I’ve watched the clouds silently change shape as across the river of sky they flow.


I’ve laid on the ground contemplating the possibility…the existence of a higher power

in the silence of an evening as I watched a meteor shower.


I’ve often found silence to be my friend…but sometime she can be an enemy

like this morning thinking of my friend’s death…the ultimate tragedy.


For there is a sadness that returns in silence…as you repeat the moment when…

you know you will never see or hear or touch that person ever again.


That your friend is gone forever…and you know for your remaining years

in the silence of your loneliness…you’ll cry your deepest tears.


In time, however, although you know your heart will always be a little broken

you feel it begin to mend in the silence of all your words unspoken.


And once you feel the moment your heart begins to mend…

the beauty and the magic of silence again becomes your friend.


As you gaze outside your silence…your smile returns because you know

It’s in the silence of the evening when a tree begins to grow.


It’s in the silence of the morning when a flower begins to bloom.

and how the miracle of birth begins in the silence of a mother’s womb.


Suddenly you re-discover the beauty in silence…in her complexity…

and you find a little meaning in her tranquility…


Like how you know…though your friend is gone…

the love you feel for her or him…from you…will never part

It will always be there waiting for you to visit 

from the depths within your soul…and silence of your heart

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