Deborah is a quilter…she starts out with a plan…

finds her different colored fabric…then stitches them by hand.


I was admiring her handiwork the other day…when it occurred to me

How each life is like a quilt….

How every day we sew together pieces of the life that we have built.


How, even though we don’t physically use a needle and thread,

every day that we have grown…

into our patchwork quilt…a memory is sewn.


How every day our quilt grows larger and becomes more beautiful with each seam.

because sewn into the fabric we find our wishes, hopes and dreams.


As we touch each piece with our minds eye

we see our life as it’s unfolded through the years.

We see our family…we see our friends…

we see moments that brought us laughter…and moments that brought us to tears.


Unlike the quilts that Deborah creates…the ones she meticulously sews 

our life quilt has no ending as every day it grows


And though we may share fabric with other life quilts…

some may even share our name

our life quilt is unique as no two life quilts are the same.


Our quilt serves a dual purpose…Yes, it’s the quilt that keeps on giving…

every time we look at it…it’s a reminder of this beautiful life we’re living.


And when our life is over..our memory quilt we keep

because tucked under every quilt made while living…

is where the angels sleep.

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