Today we observed the sunrise in New England and once again we were agog

as we watched that bright orange dot finds it’s pathway through the fog.


Next, we walked the Shore Path in Bar Harbor where under a cloud-filled cerulean sky

we enjoyed the boats out in the harbor while eating a Red Velvet Whoopie Pie. 


We took some time to sit in the park 

where we met a man in a yellow hat, a colorful shirt and an engaging smile

and after complimenting each other on our hats and shirts we talked together for a while.


We ate lobster at the Trenton Bridge Lobster Pound and what made this moment glow

It was the same place we ate lobster when we were here 12 years ago.


Since we had such a big lunch and knowing a big dinner would not fly 

We ate some peanut butter crackers with a peanut butter whoopee pie.


When we arrived in Maine we initially decided we were on a quest

to find the Whoopie Pie that in this state we considered best.


But after giving it some thought…the two of us decided

looking for the best of anything is a little bit misguided.


We’ve decided it would be a mistake…

That trying to find the best tasting Whoopie Pie

is like trying to decide what was the most beautiful sunset or the prettiest sky. 


Like deciding what was our favorite hike, our favorite city, town or street

or who was our favorite person on this trip we happened to meet.


For each of these possess their own beauty…their own joy

and we felt blessed and happy just to share them…

besides, wouldn’t each lose some of their beauty…some of their joy…

the moment we compare them.


It’s a lesson the sun teaches us each day as it lights up the morning sky

a lesson that applies, to people, to hikes, to lobster, as well as Whoopie Pies.


A lesson she taught again this morning in New England….

A lesson that has traveled with us…near and far…

how every sunrise is beautiful…no matter where we are.

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