I woke up to a gentle tapping on our window pane….

I thought it was a bird…turns out it was the rain.


Deborah ,unaffected by the soft tap, tap, tapping on our window pane

and still in the midst of a dream…was not awakened by the rain.


So I tiptoed out to the living room window 

where I could watch the rain with ease…

and listen as some raindrops bounded off the trees.


When Deborah finally woke she joined me

and as we watched raindrops dive into the lake

we decided watching and listening to the rain…

is a wonderful way to to wake.


And a wonderful way to begin the day…as we headed to the capital of Canada

In the 5 hour drive…so many trees, hills lakes and rivers we saw….

On our way to the city the Algonquin called “adawe” which means to trade…

burt we know as Ottawa.


We drove through the  crowded freeways of Ottawa…which gave us both a fright!

finally turning down the Rue d’Onans in Cantley, Quebec 

where we found our cabin for the next 2 nights


We were able to bring all our luggage into this beautiful cabin in this quiet little town

minutes before the thunder clapped, the lightning flashed…

and the rain came pouring down.


Which meant we were in safe and sound for the evening… 

where we listened to the raindrops tapping on our window pane…

where we sat in front of big windows overlooking the forest

and together watched the the rain.


And as the rain continued through the evening

thinking back to the way our day began in Ontario….

we thought how the rain is just as beautiful everywhere we go.


And we felt blessed to have the rain….

which this day stirred in us feelings intense and deep…

how it nudged us awake this morning

and this evening sang us both to sleep.

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