We awoke in Idaho at our little cabin in the woods to a chorus of birds…

one in particular thought it would be fine

to tap upon our window…as if to say ‘rise and shine’


So we rose and shone and said goodbye to Idaho.

In the short time we were there she left her mark…

then headed out on today’s adventure to Montana.  

and Glacier National Park.


But first a note on what makes each of our trips a wonder for us to see

It has to do with what we like to call…our road trip philosophy. 


It began when our children were children…and whenever we traveled far

we told them how are adventure begins…the moment we enter the car.


If someone saw something that looked like fun and wanted to stop

Say for ice cream, candy, a river or a babbling brook

Then we’d stop…we’d eat some ice cream, some candy…

or pause by the river to take a look.


We always felt for ourselves and for our children

it’s in everyones best interest knowing

the fun we have along the way Is as important as getting to where we’re going.


With that in mind today we saw a sign once we crossed into Montana from Idaho

Inviting us to Kootenai Falls……even though we still had over 150 miles to go.


So we stopped at the falls and took a hike down a rocky path along a ridge…

A path that ended to our delight…at one end of a swinging bridge.


And in the middle of that bridge we pausedto take in the amazing scenery…

why…we even kissed…

amazed at all this beauty that…if we’d kept going…we would have missed.


We rolled into Glacier a little later than expected…

but along the way…oh the wonders we did see…

All thanks to a few unplanned stops we made along the way

and to our trip philosophy

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