Evenings are quite dark in the mountains…once all the sunlight’s gone…

so when we take a walk away from the cabin we leave a few lights on. 


This way, at night…wherever we choose to roam

The cabin acts as a lighthouse…guiding us back home.


But in the summer as we turn the corner and leave the cabin lights behind us…we are never lead astray

because the fireflies circle round us and help to light our way.


It’s easy to lose your bearings in the dark…

sometimes it’s like we’re walking on Jupiter or Mars

and we forget we’re surrounded by fireflies…

and think we’re walking among the stars.


It was our last night in the mountains…(we leave with the next sunrise)

When we were blessed to take an evening walk among the fireflies.


Who guided us through the darkness…over logs and leaves and stones

until we could see our cabin lights…then they left us on our own.


We thanked them for their guidance…for showing us around

and we said he hope to see them…the next time we’re in town.


For the next people who stay at our cabin…

have a great time we implore you!

And if you happen to arrive late at night…no worries…

The fireflies will guide you up the driveway…


we’ll leave a light on for you.


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