The wildflowers are beginning to bloom in the mountains!

When I walk among them it’s as if the Earth is smiling at me

and I wonder if wildflowers aren’t her subtle way of showing us

the kind of people she’d like us to be.


A wildflower learns quite early there is a struggle to be won…

that it must push itself through darkness…in order to find the sun.


A wildflower’s mission is, to a certain extent, simple 

while at the same time utterly grand

to help sustain and maintain the planet…while adding beauty to the land.


A wildflower absorbs the sunshine…

its heart is deeply moved with every gentle breeze that blows…

It endures the rain and the cold…knowing they are here to help her grow.


A wildflower understands what make the world beautiful…

what makes every day a beautiful day

is how every flower can be different…yet is beautiful in its own way.


A wildflower does not hate, does not envy nor assume.

A wildflowers finds her joy in her ability to bloom.


And more joy in the wind, the trees, the birds that comfort and surround her

as well as in all the different wildflowers that choose to bloom around her.


A wildflower does not injure others…It does not wish or cause another harm

It accepts the bee, the bird, the butterfly…even me…with open arms.


Oh, if we could only be more like the wildflower

with but one mission…truly grand:

To sustain and maintain each other…while bringing beauty to the land…


To understand how we are all wildflowers

who bloom upon this Earth only for a little while…

and how we should live so that when we’re gone

we are remembered with a smile.

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