With the memory of her grandma’s death so fresh within her mind

She stopped to ask Grandpa about her…

“Will the world always be this quiet?” She asked.

“Always this sad and lonely without her?”


“I won’t lie to you little one.” Her grandpa said.

“It will always be a little sad and lonely when Grandma comes to mind

but, eventually, you’l find happiness and feel her presence

remembering all the things she left behind.”


“It’s true…your life, my life, our lives 

will never go back to exactly the way they were…

but you’l be surprised at all the things you find

that make you smile…and think of her.”


“You’ll think of her when you’re at the beach building a sand castle

or playing in the sun. 

When yo see her favorite flower…”

“You mean the sunflower, Grandpa?” She asked.

“Exactly, that’s the one!”


“You’ll think of her when you see an eagle…

hear a mockingbird or a cardinal tweet…

The thought of her will accompany 

every chocolate chip cookie you’re ever going to eat.”


“Sometimes days may go by and you’ll realize…

you haven’t thought of her in a while…

and then you’ll look into the mirror…touch your face

and remember…you have Grandma’s smile.”


“Some memories will be your memories…things only the two of you explored…

and when you visit them you’ll find…you’re not as lonely anymore.”


“So what do you say…let’s get those memories started…shall we?

It’ll help to wipe away our blues…

Let’s do something that you and grandma always loved to do…”


Grandpa noticed Grandma’s smile stretching across his granddaughter’s face

from eyelid…to eyelid…

Then she took his hand saying,

“Why don’t I teach you to make some cookies, Grandpa…

just like Grandma did."

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