We love to light campfires in the mountains…especially in the Fall

In the cool of the evening…our fires are warm…and cozy… 

they are intimate…and small.


A campfire has the power to mesmerize…to relax us for a while…

as we sit and watch it’s colors change…we close our eyes…and smile. 


I love watching the flames leap into the air…in the silence of the night

seeing the faces of friends and family…illuminated by its light.


There is magic in a campfire…in the way it casts a spell

taking us to the place within our memory where other campfires dwell.


Suddenly we’ve moved…we’re not sitting at the same campfire anymore.

We’re children telling stories…toasting marshmallows…making s’mores.


And we realize it’s not just this campfire we love…it’s all the campfires we’ve amassed

and that a campfire’s special gift is how it links to all the campfires of our past. 


And we remember with fondness a time…when we were more innocent and free

when nothing else mattered in our lives…

but a campfire…


and family.

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