Sitting on the porch of our cabin…protected by the eaves

surrounded by the forest I’m acutely aware of the susurration of the leaves.


How together as they sway a little on the branches of the trees

I can hear their rhythmic beauty…urged and prompted by the breeze.


Most of the sounds are onomatopoeic…as the wind invisibly passes through

I hear the leaves not only swish and rustle…but whisper to one another too.


If I listen closely I can hear exactly what they have to say 

how they thank the tree…the sun…and greet other leaves to start their day.


And with Fall approaching…bathed in morning light

I hear the leaves comment on how their colors have changed a little over night.


I remain silent…keeping all my thoughts within…

for I do not want the leaves to know that I am listening in.


I hear the younger leaves…whose colors have already turned…

and who are feeling a bit appalled…

ask the older leaves…still green…”What is it like to fall?”


And I hear the older leaves whisper…as they look the young ones in their eyes…

“You will not be falling.” They tell them.  “For a few moments….you will fly.”


“And after gliding for a moment…you will land softly on the ground

so softly that, when you land, you will not make a sound.”


I’ve been lucky to watch and listen with my ears and with my eyes

to be there…to be a witness…when a young leaf learns to fly.


And if I listen closely…as it breaks from the safety of the tree

one of the most beautiful sounds of Autumn

is a young leaf crying….Wheeeee!

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