After experiencing a wonderful production of Spamalot…it reminded me to always find a way

no matter what life throws at me…to look on the bright side…every day.


It’s not that I haven’t experienced tragedy or loss…

that there haven’t been moments I’ve been sad.

It just…when you look on the bright side of life…

you realize….the good consistently outweighs the bad.


When I look on the bright side of life…I realize how blessed I’ve been…

let’s see…if I was keeping score…

although death and sorrow have touched my life…I’ve never been to war.


Except for a few aches and pains…I’ve been healthy…I’ve never been depressed

In all the years I’ve been on this Earth…I’ve never been oppressed.


I’ve never been told I’m less than someone else…that I don’t belong…I don’t fit in

because of my religion, my sex, my race…or the color of my skin.


I’ve never been judged harshly because I don’t fit some universal diagram….

I’ve never been made to feel I’m different…or wrong…because of who I love…or who I am.


Having never had my joy rained on by the dark clouds of judgement or bigotry 

I’ve been able to walk proudly…unafraid…and listen as the whole world sings to me.


Since I’ve never had to worry about what other people think…my confidence is strong

and on the bright side of life…when I know the words…I happily sing along. 


Looking on the bright side isn’t always easy…

It’s like the actors, actresses, and musicians on the stage…

who didn’t know of Spamalot before…

Anything that’s worthwhile in life…is…worth working for.


If you want to learn how look on the bright side of life…

I know where that philosophy is being taught…

by the staff of Theater Exceptional…

currently at the Central Park Performing Arts Center in Largo, Florida

in a place called…Spamalot.

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