First off…I don’t hate squirrels…they have a kind of rodent charm…

although they monopolize the bird feeder…I do not wish them any harm.


Squirrels and I we are all creatures on this planet…in our yard they are free to roam

but that is where our relationship ends…we don’t invite them into our home.


Deborah and I were enjoying a lovely, lazy, slow afternoon when suddenly we both jumped

after hearing from inside our chimney…a crash…a bang…a thump.


“It can’t be Santa Claus.” I said. “It’s August…much too soon.”

“I think it might be an animal…a squirrel…or a raccoon.”


The damper was closed so we waited a moment until I heard Deborah shout,

“He’s scratching…there’s an animal inside our chimney and he’s trying to get out!”


I thought this word was used only in cartoons but I heard my self yelling EEK!

before running over to the chimney so I could take a peek.


“I think it’s probably a squirrel.” I said 

knowing in a battle of wits with a squirrel…I could not match him

still I ran around the house looking for something anything…any way to catch him.


I came back with a butterfly net…in hindsight I probably should have taken the broom,

Because when I returned Deborah was screaming…

“He’s out…and he’s running around the room!”


He ran into the French doors…then against a window…I took this as a plus…

It seemed as surprised as we were to see him…he was just as surprised to see us.


With butterfly net in hand I felt my courage soar…

as that squirrel was trying to get out a closed window…I opened the French door. 


That squirrel took one look at me with my raised butterfly net

and Deborah clapping her hands yelling “Shoo…shoo…shoo.”

then seeing the open French door…knew exactly what to do.


I believe if he had a hat he would have tipped it…before scooting out the door…

In all my years of squirrel watching…I’d never seen one laugh before.


With the crisis over we got back to enjoying our life…

lovely, lazy and slow….

but I’m keeping that butterfly net close at hand…


you never know.

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