I believe we are all artists…artists…in our own way.
adding new colors to the self portrait we are painting every day.
Which means there will always be a little wet paint on this portrait we’re maintaining
because as each new day adds new adventures it’s clear…we haven’t finished painting.
So when we brush up against another person…as our lives become intertwined
they are likely to get some of our paint on them…and leave some of theirs behind.
Which means however short or long are those moments that we share
their paint becomes part of our portrait…and ours…a part of theirs.
Tammy was seated at the next table in one of our favorite restaurants…
our menus we had just received…
We were getting ready to order…Tammy was ready to leave.
Not knowing we came there often Tammy said, “You are going to love their food.”
After Deborah asked what she recommended a short conversation ensued.
We asked where she was from, “South Carolina was her answer.”
She’d been in our town for 12 weeks…undergoing treatment for her cancer.
She recommended a specialty burger…with a balsamic reduction covered in brie…
It’s what she ate to celebrate her going home…and being cancer free!
We talked for a little while about the weather, families…what new friends do…
And as she left the restaurant we bid Tammy adieu.
Deborah ordered her suggestion…she said it tasted great.
by the look on her face I think it was one of the best burgers she ever ate.
I hope we see Tammy again someday…
if not…we will not make a fuss…
because in those few moments our self portraits were forever changed…
by the colors she brushed on us.