From the deck of our cabin nestled high in the trees is a great place I maintain

to ponder the meaning of life as you sit and watch the rain.


You see each raindrop gently falling…you hear the woosh of sound

and you realize not every raindrop makes it to the ground


You hear some raindrops hit the roof and from your unique point of view

you see the tree extend each leaf to catch a drop or two.


You look out over the railing…mesmerized at how the raindrops glide

to see some land on flowers in the garden with their blooms and petals open wide. 


You see raindrops gather in the birdbath… and immediately you think

how the water will be waiting for the birds to swim in…or to drink.


If you listen very closely and through the trees you take a peek

you can hear and see some raindrops as they plop into the creek.


As you watch the rain continue….it’s inevitable…

a smile will cross your face

when you realize the rain’s only mission is to make the world a better place.


Yes, as raindrops feed the lakes and rivers…nourish each animal and plant

you understand they are sent to Earth to enhance…to nurture…to enchant.


And you begin to wonder why we were sent here…

perhaps it is easy to explain…

we are all here to live a life similar…to a single drop of rain.

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