I woke up this morning and the first thoughts that came my way

were all about yesterday…and how it was such a beautiful day.


This is a phenomenon that keeps happening to me

and though I’m not complaining

perhaps what I am talking about needs a little more explaining.


You see…although yesterday was a beautiful day..a day I happen to adore

that was the exact same thought that crossed my mind…on the day before.


And the day before that…and the day before that…every day…of every year…

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see what’s happening here!


And when I rise tomorrow…I am confident I will say…

That today, which by then will be yesterday…was also a beautiful day.


This is a beautiful loop I find myself in…

thinking of yesterday…and the beauty of my family and friends

A loop I hope will continue…one I hope will never end.


So, as I do every day…I thanked yesterday when I woke today…

for bringing all that beauty my way…

then I turned to face the morning of what…

if history is any indication…

will be a beautiful day.

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