Today I invite you to join me on my walk with but one simple action to employ…

Add to my list…or make up your own…of things that bring you joy.


Family, children, grandchildren…the wind whistling through the trees…

When I hear my favorite song…flowers dancing in the breeze.


Looking at old photographs…a short or long road trip…

Warm cookies fresh from the oven…my favorite’s chocolate chip.


That feeling I get when I’ve finished…successfully completing a job…

Eating warm peach cobbler with ice cream on top…or corn still on the cob. 


A kiss on the cheek…a long…tight…meaningful hug….

The moment I realized a butterfly was more than just a bug.


The sound rain makes on a tin roof…unfolding any map….

An unexpected phone call from a friend…any dog sitting on my lap.


It’s funny how you find when you make a list of things that bring you joy…

You fill it with things both big…and small…

And how you realize


those things that bring you joy…

aren’t really things…at all.

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