When I stepped outside this morning and turned my gaze up high

I noticed for the first time in a long time…there were no clouds in the sky.


The waning moon, still almost full brightened up the night 

leaving me to wonder why…

when I could feel the morning breeze upon my face…

was there not one cloud floating by?


I have learned a lot from watching clouds…and how they rearrange…

like how easily they blend together…how they’re not afraid to change.


I’ve learned how to be light and breezy watching clouds journey across the sky…

I’ve learned…when filled with sadness…it is acceptable to cry.


I’ve learned how life is fleeting…how…like ancient Babylon…

existence is ephemeral…we’re here one moment…then we’re gone.


Perhaps that’s what makes this moonlit cloudless morning…

a morning that’s worth noting….

It’s a reminder to make every moment count while we’re still a cloud…still floating.


To be kind as our world constantly changes…as each day passes by…

so when painted by the sun or illuminated the moon… 

we add our beauty to the sky.


To live a life filled with compassion…with dignity and grace…

an example to be followed…by all the clouds that take our place.

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