We took three of our grandchildren to lunch yesterday…

and there was something we couldn’t ignore…

Yes they are still our grandchildren.. but they’re not children anymore.


It seems like only yesterday…we were enamored by their charms….

seems like only yesterday…we held them in our arms…


As we sat around the table talking, laughing…eating…drinking…

One…I couldn’t help but smile..and two…I remember thinking…


how, as new parents, we hoped…without making too much of a fuss

our children would be healthy, happy and have as good…or a better life than us.


And when they did…how we were overjoyed…we were proud and happy to see

our hopes had been fulfilled…this is the way it’s supposed to be.


We remember being there when each of our grandchild was born…

and, again, without making too much of a fuss

how we hoped they would be healthy, happy…

and have as good or a better life than us….


Observing them at lunch…something we didn’t expect…

which for them will surely be a plus

our grandchildren are taller, smarter, stronger and jus as pretty as us.


But again that’s how it should be…

and as grandparents we can’t wait to see….

as they make their way in life…

the kind of people they will be.

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