One of the chilling aspects of a hurricane is how, from hundreds of miles away, you get to watch it form…and all the time you have to think…

and prepare…

before the storm.


The storm forms in the ocean…somewhere way out to sea…

and your first hope is that you don’t end up in the cone of uncertainty.


But even when you do, when the predictions that the hurricane will hit you are strong…you keep praying…wishing…and hoping…that the weatherman is wrong.


You’re filled with mixed emotions…knowing the hurricane is going to devastate…

but not knowing when, exactly, or who…

knowing it’s going to land on someone…somewhere…

and praying that someone isn’t you.


As you prepare for what might happen…what that eventual hurricane might do…

It gives you time to reevaluate the things, in life, that are important to you.


Your first thoughts and calls and texts go out to friends and family…

You want them to know you’re thinking about them 

and that they’re as safe as they can be.


Once you’ve secured your house as best you can…

and you know your children, grandchildren and friends are safe and warm…

you’re satisfied you’ve done all you can 

to prepare…

before the storm.


Then you wait as the storm approaches…

content the love of your friends and family is strong….

and as you hold on to one another…

you keep hoping…

the weatherman is wrong.

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