I saw a shooting star this morning…it is always a wondrous sight to see….and before I made a wish I thanked the Greek astronomer…Claudius Ptolemy.


Ptolemy believed that sometimes the Gods on Mount Olympus got bored…tired of their mischief and their wooing…and they would peer down upon the Earth to see what we mere mortals here were doing.


When the Gods wanted to watch us, he believed, all they had to do…was pull the sky apart to give themselves a better view.


Ptolemy, being an ancient but wise and thinking chap…

believed every now and then a star would slip out through the gap.


And what we see from here on Earth that…what we all find so enthralling…

is not a shooting star at all…but instead…a star that’s falling.


Since the Gods are paying attention at that moment…to Ptolemy it didn’t seem too bizarre to believe they’d be more receptive to wishes made upon a falling star.


This is what Ptolemy believed…of course he couldn’t be sure…

and who am I to contradict a famous Greek astronomer…


The way I see it…there is still a lot abut the Universe we don’t know…so why should’t we pursue…any means at our disposal…to make a wish come true.


Which is why I make wishes on rainbows, ladybugs, fountains, dandelions…pennies in a jar….and on a morning walk 

after thanking Ptolemy…

upon a falling star.

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