The book Everywhere Babies by Susan Meyers originally published in 2001…

look it up…you might be amazed at all the awards it’s won!


It celebrates all kinds of babies and families in this diverse and once wonderful land…

Yet along with 57 other books deemed inappropriate by a school district in Florida…Everywhere Babies has been banned.


I imagine those who banned it have forgotten part of the wonder of babies…

is not only the way they smile, laugh and dance…

but just the idea of a baby…means humankind has another chance.


Another chance to be accepting…to make the world more beautiful…to diversify..

Another chance to show the world…there’s more to love than meets the eye.


Another chance to fight evil…another chance not to overlook 

the kind of evil that in the name of politics would ban a 20 year old baby book


Another chance to understand how sometimes pure evil can lurk behind a seemingly sincere mouthful of smiling teeth…

Another chance to unmask those sinister smiles and expose the evil underneath.


I’m not sure what those who banned this book are afraid of…

why it’s been taken off the shelf…

I imagine the best way to understand it…

would be to buy it and read for yourself…


Yes, perhaps that is the best way to fight this insanity…

what has become a distorted political view…

go out and buy yourself Everywhere Babies…

as of this moment we’ve purchased 2.

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