I wish we celebrated veterans for more than just one day…I wish our ceremonies and celebrations would last…because our veteran’s don’t stop being veterans just because another Veteran’s Day has passed.


For they are more than just veterans defending our freedoms…they are our sisters and our brothers…they are our friends…our neighbors…our children…they are our fathers and our mothers.


And families know when we send them our loved ones off to fight…as we shed a tear and lovingly whisper their name…every soldier sent to war…will not come back the same.


Because war…is war…and wherever lives are lost and gunfire is exchanged…every veteran who makes it back…does not come back the same.


Which is why we, as a country, should strive to make our veteran’s futures bright…by offering them as much support when they come home as we did when we sent them off to fight.


I wish this country…our country… who our veteran’s fight to defend…

to keep us safe…and free…would treat every veteran who comes back home like a member of our family.


For there are two times we hug our family members tightest…

(something every family knows and hope one day our country will learn)

The first is when we send them off to war…

Then second…when they return.

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