Of all the tales ever told…of all the stories ever penned…there is never one more beautiful than the evolution of a friend.


A little over a year ago on my morning walk…in the dark…under the stars…I noticed the same man passing me every day…down Main Street…in his car.


After noticing this daily pattern…this quirk of fate…this act of God…one day…at the moment our two paths crossed…we both began to nod.


After nodding to each other for a while…I imagine we both felt a little brave…as the next stage of our friendship became a smile and a wave.


A smile and a wave turned into a quick greeting, “Good morning.” He would say.  “Good morning.” I would answer just before he drove away.


Yesterday to my surprise and totally initiated by him…he stopped to introduce himself…His name’s Bob…of course I’m JIm.


This morning as he passed I watched our friendship breaking through.

“Good morning, Jim.” He said, “Have a good day.” 

“Good morning, Bob. You too.”


This might be the extent of our friendship…as each day on Earth we keep revolving…but then again…you never know…as you can see…

our friendship is evolving.


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