When I look at a recent photo of myself…I admit to sometimes feeling dread…because the photo that I’m seeing doesn’t match the picture in my head.
In my head I am much younger…on this my heart and mind agree…
while the man in the photograph…is much older…I’m not sure he’s even me!
In my head I can easily tell myself I am still that once young guy…
but that doesn’t work with a photo…because a photo doesn’t lie.
A photograph is proof that I’m no longer that budding baby boomer…
It’s also proof that our Creator…has a sense of humor.
Why else would she let my ears continue growing…I’m surprised people don’t stare…mine are as big as a garage…you can park a small car in there.
And to add insult to injury…the photo proves this to be true…She’s decided my nose for some unknown reason…should keep on growing too.
And looking at a photograph…this fact I must concede…my nose and ears look even bigger the more my hair recedes.
No matter how young I feel…I could use a cardiogram…every time a photo reminds me just how old I am.
But the Creator has left me a loop hole…which I havre found engaging…
My eyes have gotten worse and worse…the more and more I’m aging…
So here’s my solution to this problem…(try it before you scoff)….
Every time I see a photo of my old self…I take my glasses off.
And through the haziness of my vision…
when I see myself in a photo someone took…
I am always pleasantly surprised…
at how much younger I now look.