When we're young, if we were lucky, we learn truths that, in life, will help to see us through…through the good times…through the bad times…because we know these truths…are true.


Truth about how to treat another person…any person…always with kindness…never condescend…truth about how to love ourself…and others…and what it means to be a friend.


Truth about how our planet is important…from her sky…to her trees…to her tides…not only for our survival…but for the beauty she provides.


Many of these truths we learn early…soon after showing up…we’re taught them by our parents…it’s all a part of growing up.


Sometimes, however, as we grow older if we’re not careful our intentions and our actions become misconstrued and misbegotten…when those truths we learned when we were children…are buried or forgotten.


My hope is if that happens…if we ever lose our way…

we find the path back to those old lessons…those old truths of yesterday


For I can think of nothing sadder…once our youth has finally sprung…

than to grow old chasing truths…we once learned when we were young.

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