Earth Day…a day to celebrate our planet…her gentleness…her power…to marvel at her oceans…her mountains…her valleys and her flowers.
Her islands, her fields, her meadows…her rivers, plains and trees..her air we breathe…her water we drink…the mystery her seas.
A day to celebrate her waterfalls…her sunrises…those shadowy silhouettes….that form across the sky as the sun’s about to set.
To think about her rainbows, ladybugs, crickets, spiders (yes spiders), bees and butterflies…the shapes and colors of her clouds as they float across the sky.
And we can’t forget her animals…those that crawl, fly, swim and stand……the myriad of creatures who share her sky, her seas…her land.
The Earth is special to us all…from the moment of our arrival…
she is vital…she is crucial…she’s fundamental to our survival…
So today is the day to praiser her…to laud…to commemorate and tout her…because, when you stop and think about it…we could not exist without her…
Which makes one wonder…
If she is that important to us…
from the moment of our birth…
perhaps every day we should take the time…
to celebrate our Earth.