There are so many breathtaking moments as the days drift idly by…
so much we’ll never quite understand…
so many times we’ll be wondering…why…
Why…for instance as life constantly adjusts and rearranges…
the moment you decide to change your life
is the moment your life changes?
Why…the moment you go as far as you can see…
do you begin to see much more
because once you reach this point…
you see farther than you ever saw before?
Why…the moment you decide to be a happier person
when you stop and think it through
is the moment you begin to be happier
and the world seems happier, too?
Why…the moment you begin to find joy in the little things
where you live and work and dwell
is the moment you begin to find joy
in the bigger things as well?
And why I wonder…when you’re out chasing butterflies
as many are won’t to do
the moment you stop chasing them
is the moment they land on you?