When wintertime is over and the breezes of Spring begin to blow

It’s not just to our cabin in the mountains…but to the cabin’s porch we go.


In Florida we spend so much time inside our house 

much to our chagrin

cooped up, with the windows shut

not allowing the outside in…


But seeing the sights and hearing the sounds in the mountains 

of this there can be no doubt

once we’re sitting on the porch

we’ve brought the inside..out.


The porch is where we meet our friends

It has it’s own habitat

It’s where we sit and read and laugh

It’s a beautiful place to chat.


Sometimes we sit in silence

There is no need for words

Other times we listen

to the trees, the wind…the birds.


It’s where we relax 

It’s where we smile

where we can take the time to see

the clouds, the rain, the sunset…

The hummingbirds…the bees.


It’s funny we can do the same things inside

like playing games and writing letters

but doing them while on the porch

well…it just feels better.


So as we head back to our home. In Florida

To our little dwelling near the coast…

I’ll miss the mountains, the trees and the animals for sure


but I think I’ll miss our porch…the most.

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