As far back as he can remember…memories he loves to skim

his heroes came from the pages of children’s books his dad would read to him.


When they read about knights in shining armor…

about heroes brave and wise

about feats of strength and courage…

he remembers being mesmerized.


When he got a little older his heroes changed…and he was glad

because they came from watching TV… on weekends with his dad.


His Dad would talk about baseball, football, boxing…and how these different games are played 

he introduced him to new heroes…and explained how they were made.


His heroes changed quite often…by the time that he was grown

Heroes from music and movies…heroes he’d never really known.


And as his heroes changed throughout the years…

heroes big and small

He came to understand his one true hero…

never changed at all.


He’s the man who read him children’s books…

the one he still can’t wait to see

the man he sat next to every weekend 


watching heroes on TV.

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