As we sit alone together inside our hospital room

It was only but one day ago I held you in my womb.


And today although you’re still too young to fully understand

In what truly is a miracle…I’m holding you in my hands.


How fast we must adjust…adapt…how swiftly we rearrange

This is your first life lesson…how quickly life can change.


There will come a day you no longer fit inside my hands…but do not be too alarmed

because there will never come a time…you don’t fit inside my arms.


You see there’s something magical about a mother’s love…that all your life holds true

It doesn’t matter how big you grow…my love will grow with you.


So as I stare into your eyes today….I find it easy to admit

from my womb, to my hands, to my arms…you are a perfect fit


And I promise I will love you…and be captivated by your charms


as long as I am living…as long as you fit inside my arms.

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