There are places in this world where seldom a day goes by 

where someone doesn’t weep.

Where the night rings out in gunshots…

and no one 


soundly sleeps.


Where, if you look and listen closely 

no children can be found

because where they used to play and run and laugh 

is now a battleground.


There are people in this world…

too many to count its sad to say

Who, if they don’t hear a bomb go off in 24 hours…

they say it’s a good day.


There are people living in constant fear…

who only want that fear to cease

who have given up everything they own 

for a chance to live in peace.


Who have been forced to leave their land…

where their neighborhoods and schools were burned

leaving the only home they’ve ever known…

never knowing if they’ll return.


Who go on a harrowing journey…

wondering will they live…

will they be sold…

and if they survive this arduous odyssey…

not knowing what their future holds.


Have you ever thought about their plight?

How their life has been forcibly redesigned….

How whatever joy they feel at being given a new life

Is mixed with sadness for the life they left behind? 


There are people in the world…

who only want a chance to grow 

to learn

and to be free


and women 

and children….

human beings…

like you and me.


There are other human beings who for whatever reason, 



or fear

refuse to acknowledge these other humans…

who scream…

You are not welcome here!


Who ignore their pleas for help, 

their heartache 

and their pain…

which makes wonder 

when did being human…


become so inhumane?

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