When she was a young girl she climbed into her mother’s lap

and asked this question, so innocently…

“Momma,” she said, “I was wondering

will you ever stop loving me?”


Her mom gave her a hug, an extra long hug

then resting her chin on her daughter’s head

“Let me tell you a little secret…about being a mother”..she said.


“I’ve loved you from the moment inside me…I felt your life begin…

I love you every time I breathe out…

and every time I breathe in…


I will never stop loving you…never…

I will never discredit our doubt you

I will never stop thinking or worrying…

or wishing or dreaming about you.


I love you just as much when you’re here in my lap

as I’ll love you when you’re fully grown…

I’ll love you the same when you’re no longer living with me…

when you’re married with kids of your own…


It’s something all mother’s feel

in our hearts in our souls in our brains…

a love that is with us… that will never end… 

a wonderful secret we cannot explain.”


And the young girl felt that love all of her life

and was ready when her daughter climbed on her knee…

and asked with the innocence of a child…


“Momma…will you ever stop loving me?”

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