How wonderful to be an optimist!

For when all is said and done

as a way of looking at the world…

optimism is a lot more fun.


Optimism helps us smile 

when we trip or fall face down in the mud.

It helps us survive life’s little adversities…

as well as withstand its terrors and floods.


It’s not that bad things don’t happen to optimists

that our life is without misfortune or chaos or strife.

It’s just that optimism reminds us we’re only having a bad day…

and, all in all,…we have a wonderful life.


When we optimists looks at a problem

our optimism peruses our plan….


instead of coming up with reasons why it won’t work,

It shows us all the reasons it can!


It allows us to smile in the face of misfortune. 

It waltzes with us through our worry and our pain.

It helps us weather whatever storms come our way…

by encouraging us to dance in the sun 

as well as the rain.


And when our world turns its darkest..

leaving us injured…massaging our scars…

Optimism reminds us to look up

for that’s where we’ll discover the stars.


That doesn’t mean there’s not room for pessimism in our life…

it, too, can be a useful attribute….

After all…optimism invented the first airplane…


And pessimism…the first parachute.

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