The day to honor veterans has come and gone…but shouldn’t we find a way
as the country who sent them off to fight…to honor them every day?
These are not just soldiers going off to war…they’re our sisters and our bothers…
They’re our friends, our neighbors, our children
They’re our fathers…and our mothers.
And we have to know…as they walk away…and we lovingly whisper their name…
that soldier heading off to war…will not come back the same.
Because war is never easy…it is chaotic, grisly…deranged
and everybody comes back wounded…everyone comes back changed.
Families know there are two times we hold our soldiers the tightest
A lesson our country should learn…
The first is the day they go off to war…
the second…the day they return.
There is another lesson about war and soldiers…our country needs to learn:
The same country that sent their soldiers to fight…
must not abandon them when they return.
Every day, not just Veterans Day, we should strive to make their futures bright
We must spend as much money welcoming them home
As we did when we sent them to fight.
We must remember and celebrate and help our veterans every day…
A third lesson our country must learn…
There should be as much joy in their hearts…as there is in ours
when our veterans return!
Congress…spend whatever it takes…show them the respect they all have earned…
And help put as much joy back in their lives…as there was when they left…
when our veterans return.