Frances’s funeral was yesterday….

she died a week ago

Her funeral was the first step…

the beginning of letting go…


The moment we all realize…like a gentle summer breeze

Frances made us smile for a short while…

and now we’re left with memories.


There was a baby at the funeral…

Oh, how Frances loved a baby’s charms…

I wonder: Did she see the baby nestled there…

within her mother’s arms?


There is a lot I didn’t know about Frances…

so much of her life I had not seen…

She lived 87 years…I’ve only known her 17.


But it only takes a moment, I believe,…

to know if someone is honest and gentle and kind…

The baby got a little fussy and I had to smile…

for I knew Frances wouldn’t mind.


It was a beautiful service…

filled with scriptures, tributes and songs

But a baby knows not of funerals…

and to her it ran a little long…


She began to cry a little louder…

her sobs breaking the silence and solemnity…

But I didn’t mind this in the least…

Her cries were like a hymn to me.


I thought the moment she started crying…

the service was improved

because all of us who knew of Frances…

knew she would approve.


There is a lot we don’t understand about life and death…

It is a blessing we don’t know everything…

Perhaps a baby crying…

is how the angels sing…


If that’s the case isn’t it nice to think…

in the innocence of a baby’s cry…

The angels were welcoming Frances to heaven…

as we all said goodbye.



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