
Once before there was humans in the world there was the first evidence of life, the tree of life. This tree had amazing abilities and was the basis of everything that we know today. Strange fruits with unique abilities grew on the branches of the gigantic tree. Throughout time the first living organism appeared in the world. Basic white beings with no purpose in life. However, with time these creatures started to become interested in these unique fruits and their abilities. The different fruits were separated by height and color. One of them got interested in the idea of eating one of these fruits to see what was so interesting of these. He was thinking he would eventually have an edge over the other ones and would basically become better in some way. This would be the first animal in the world. He ate a fruit on the lower part of the tree which granted him the ability to breathe under water. Every day he would become a more skillful swimmer and eventually breathe under water. This transformation through the years led to the fish. When the other white beings got knowledge of the unique abilities and the idea of the purpose it provided in life they started to fight over which one they should get. The ambition for the best fruit became the major purpose in life. The idea that the best was at the furthest top of the tree evolved from a theory to an assertion. This greed to become the best that everybody could be is why animals exist. These creatures would climb the tree to till they were about to collapse and eat the fruit from the branch. Many different types of animals and the survival of each species to be the best of the best continues today. It was through the years that these creatures became horses, tigers, turtles, cats, dogs, birds etc. The constant desire to gain the most height and the belief that the higher you went the more abilities you would get was eventually proven to be wrong. The ones that finally got to the top only got the ability to fly. Eventually becoming eagles, birds, butterflies etc. Sometimes the thing you most desire and believe to be the most valuable is sometimes not what it seems to be. Most were lucky to become eagles but also some became butterflies which doesn´t directly compare to the amount of work they did and dedication they had to reach the top.

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