My freat-grandmother's earrings

So my dear friend, you want to know about my memories, I definitely won’t tell of when I went for groceries. Then let’s begin with my great-grandmothers earrings, and all of those feelings those earrings provoked me. It all started when I first met my great-grandmother, never before had I seen her, I just couldn’t avoid staring at the floor. At first I mistook her for another, but then I saw her. I thought that she would be very tall, but it turned out that she was actually very small; she had this very silent voice, and very white hair. “That appearance isn’t her choice” my dad said, as he gave this serious stare. But then there was this moment when everything seemed to stop, the moment I saw her ears, they were shaped kind of like pears, but the bottom was more drop-like. Of course I saw those earrings, they where almost as big as my hand! After my long and tiring trip, I just wanted to skip all of this and just run straight onto my bed, but there was no escaping my great-grandmothers big head! The first night passed very fast, almost as if the trip didn’t wanted to last, but in the morning there she was, sitting in a way that made me think she was waiting for an applause, and hanging from her ears where those two big spheres, but to me they looked just like tears. There and then I realized, that those two things had me mesmerized, I just couldn’t hold it anymore and asked my great-grandmother “Great grandmother, why did you buy those for? Where they at sale at some store? Great-grandmother they look so heavy! Why do you even wear them are you crazy?” She just laughed as if there was no tomorrow, then she looked at me with a very narrow look, she drank some water and said to me “This two big things, that are called earrings, where a gift from my mother, she gave them to me the day that I married, and after almost fifty years, they are in an almost perfect state, even after daily wearing and some tearing my ears had had, let me tell ya’ this two big earrings are the most special things that I have ever had.” At the time I didn’t understood the concept of time, but then I thought of those 50 years. WOW my great-grandmother was very old, and very fond of those two spheres that she called earrings. Those two, will always make me remember her.

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