The bad news at the park (fable)

“The bad news at the park”

One day in the morning, to be exact, a Thursday in September, where there was a worried parrot with many green and blue beautiful feathers was flying through a beautiful park in the big city, where he found a duck on the lake, the duck was very happy playing and taking a bath, when the duck saw the parrot, the duck was concerned and asked what was wrong, because the parrot was so distraught and sad. The parrot replied unhappily to the duck and said “I feel very sad because my family, friends and all the animals of my type are dying slowly, we were declared endangered”. The duck was happy with his life and with no importance at all, he replied saying not to worry about what was going to happen, to live the present, "live the today and do not worry about the tomorrow" that was what the duck said to him. The parrot replied, "you're very happy right now, all animals of your kind are alive and live in abundance". The duck replied once again not to worry so much about things, because if he continues like that, he would live sad forever (the duck wanted to cheer up the poor parrot).


The parrot began to neglect a little about his problem of extinction, listening to the sermon that his new best friend, the duck, told him. When suddenly a Squirrel appeared running down a tree and started running all around the park. The duck and the parrot were shocked to see it since they had no idea what was happening. Both decided to yell at the squirrel "Hey, is it all right? Is there something wrong? Come here!" That was the moment when the squirrel ran rapidly towards them crying and shocked by what she had just listened. "What’s wrong, why are you crying?" Asked the parrot and the duck. The squirrel turned to them and yelled at them: "the world is going to end!" Both asked nervously “What? What are you talking about? What are you trying to say?” this tragic news shocked them all. "Yes! The world is going to end! I just heard on the news!" the squirrel said. “When? Many of my kind still alive!" the duck said. “I am one of the few left in town!" said the parrot. "Then, we are all going to die?" Both asked to the squirrel. The squirrel replied sadly that the world would end for everyone in no more than two days. (420 words)

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