Accidently stubbled on a crazy memory
Some part I never wanted to believe
A pain that I forever longed to go away
ruining what was and what was okay
I can't even sit and watch a movie
Every scene ends up romantically
In horror I think of nice things
and nice things end up boring
There are times when I really wished
As much as I care, wish it didn't exist
Wish I never knew what it felt like
wished it was never sensed in my life
I am, in the moment alone you see
But times like this will not let me be
Lurks for awhile, but I always prevail
Won't dwell what I can't see, but avail
In the end, for me, its caused nothing but grief
emotional suffering tug of war longing for relief
In life, I believe it really is somewhat needed
It was just me that it was mean too
because I just happen to really mistreat it...