'03 Of a Friend+


I have plenty of friends...

Some are not to the end.

Friend I am indeed, with means.

I'll be there when really in need.

Just please don't make it a routine.

I find myself to be there till closure,

My patience has always been sure,

equal, the same, no less and no more.

If you need me just wake me up.

Ill be the friend that never give's up.

I might be really tired and sleepy,

advice and comfort is all I can guarantee.

If and when you get stuck in a situation,

even if it is his or her clumsy creation,

I'll do my best to help with an explanation.

Who is to know the friend you really know...

When I need advice, they just want to go.

Where are my friend's when I need them,

They are minding their business...hmm.

A friend will say thank you for being there,

But doesn't mean they do not really care.

Just take care of your little lonesome.

Because in time when it comes to your problem,

They are honestly never there or never aware.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

sad but true...

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