
I could take the plunge, jump down a canyon on a rubber band.

It’s the same as taking your hand.

Do I dare?

I could make the leap, go skydiving under a canvas.

It’s the same as wanting your kiss.

Do I dare?

Like speeding beltless down the highway, running sightless in the night—

This is me praying you’ll be right.

This is me hoping you just might

Be the gold at the end of the spectrum, the heart at the end of my road.

You’re an oasis in the sandy expanse of life, but at the expense of risk,

—Risking everything—

Should I risk?

When you might be a mirage, a shining rainbow—fading, fading.

You might be the mythical creature that I will wander and wander

And swim and swim, and never find.

Is this all just in my mind?

I believe love is like stars in daylight, though hidden,

They’ll shine throughout the brightest midnight.

Regardless of light, they persist.

Regardless of sight, they exist.

Whether you are my shining or my shooting star, I shouldn’t care;

I should dare.

Should I dare? Here is my predicament.

I’d rather take on sky diving and blind driving, for

Bones will break and someday heal;

Wounds will bleed and someday seal.

But no hospital, no treatment, no cure, no scientific art,

Will aid the broken...my broken, heart.

It seeps and festers, seething, as it permeates our breathing,

Until love isn’t worth believing.

Should I dare—like falling backwards, hoping arms will catch you,

Arms will hold you.

Will your arms hold me?

I should dare—either way, there is a pro:

If I shut you down, I’ll never know

Love at all, love that’s true (no question there, I do love you).

But do I dare? I’m counting on you, like a foothold in a cliff,

At any moment, I know, everything could crumble.

But even if I stumble on the tightrope and refuse to use a net,

Tragedy is a sure bet, but one can always turn

Shattered glass into art.

For if I’m fine and you’re divine I’ll just keep writing sappy rhyme,

For love’s a curse that murders verse, it is a drug, it is a pill,

It is a trip that weakens will.

But the beauty’s in the strife, as the pain defines our life.

Disasters and depression bear the fruit of our expression.

Joy is a random toss, but we all have suffered loss.

So if I dare, I shouldn’t care, because I always stand to gain,

But can I still endure the pain? I’ve yet to decide.

My vicious pride will keep at length,

Letting it down takes all my strength.

Letting it go alone is pain, losing control is terrifying.

Falling, falling, without slowing, never knowing what is going to save you.

It’s draining.

So if the trip doesn’t kill me, and the fall doesn’t break me,

So what, if my rhymes don’t turn out good?

It’s a question of whether (because you won’t wait forever),

Whether I should take a chance when my mind rejects romance.

I’m not adventure’s biggest fan; I don’t fall into danger’s plan.

Will I bet it all, or fold my hand? I haven’t a clue.

I’m so alone I’ll pay the cost and risk the loss if I do.

It would be hard to bear, love isn’t blind and isn’t fair,

But love is rare. And love I could.

But should I dare?

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