Purple Sundress


When was the last time you sat under rain?

In a full days worth clothing.

In a purple sundress.


Just like the sky does.

Till the water soaked all the way

To my black bra and cotton underwear.

And the mascara runs look permanent.

Like a "punk rock" music video.

The time of day to avoid the tv

"Punk" makes one vomit

It's an empty word.

My hair groups in whimsical sections

(whimsical makes a curly haired person that way)

Water droplets showing off the forehead I

Hide with bangs

Sitting down on patio cement and watching

As the rain slaps down on a

Layer of atmospheric water

Pressing my thoughts

Like soft beds-

"Touch your finger on me it leaves a mark"

-Like marshmallows-

"Middle of bed glass of wine doesn’t move when I jump"

On the infomercials

(They seem to feel the need to prove products in

insufficient ways)

When was the last time you sat at a concert?

Smelt the high class hair salon products abuzzing

Central vault for a penny a thought

Thought of the platinum blondes

Sitting ahead of me dancing drunk

To songs I know that sound

A little d er an ged.

When was the last time you forced

a smile

a crush

a poem

a nap

a cry

an epiphany


Author's Notes/Comments: 

July 2005

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