"The Phantasmagoria Arcanum"

He walked 'twixt worlds to find a way,
to free all men from death,
and found a way to cross the distance
'tween them in a breath.

He had to build a tool to keep
the doors from shutting 'hind him
so he crafted the Arcanum
as a tangled path to find them.

Wrought of Iron from one world
and fire from another
It's patterns crossed the walls and then
the world became it's brother

It's fabled name was known by all,
the tales grew quite wide spread,
for the man who held the lantern
found a way to raise the dead.

Yet the doors sometime began to close.
as the lanterns light went dim,
and when it finally faltered
he was one worlds man again.

He searched, but never found the means
to keep the flame alight,
and the worlds beyond went waning
like a dark and falling night.

But some can still remember now
a day when we could save them,
with a light that shone upon the walls
and opened the Arcanum.

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