
As the darkness intertwined immerses around what was once light,

Nature itself realizes that it wasn’t at all true,

The lies, that is.

For what was told was a sorrowful tale,

Love, betrayal, lust, and fate all played their own separate parts in this tale of twisted sorts.

But all that once was, and all that is and shall be, is soon to be forgotten.

Nothing can outlast it’s time, except by a mistake of fate.

Even though we tell ourselves we know this, in true tale, we don’t.

Life isn’t bright, as it wasn’t meant to be.

However, though this is fact, us, as humans, have warped and turned it into what seems to be what we call “good”.

We are part of a big equation, an experiment rather.

We are given the ability of life, and in return, we give our work and hardship.

It’s a game, really.

Since we learned to walk, we’ve been working and enhancing this society.

For that is our true goal, completion.

We’re being tested, on how long we can progress before game over.

After a designated time, we shut down, merely a carcass on the face of the Earth, nothing more, nothing less.

Though, some will be as unfortunate to be living when the game really ends.

They’ll burn.

Pain and suffer, that is what this game, this world, is about.

This game wasn’t meant to be full of fun and humor,

From the start, we’ve been suffering, although none of us have noticed, it is there, living, inside of us.

We’re all programmed, you see, to suffer,

Though it may not be until we begin to shut down,

I promise you,

You will suffer.

And sometimes, as to be expected, there is a minor “glitch” of sorts, in the game.

One of us, let’s call us programs, shuts down early.

Does it matter?  Not really,

It’s only a minor setback in the game,

There are plenty of programs to go around, especially at the rate that we’re reproducing.

We’ve been brainwashed to believe we are making something of ourselves,

And sadly, we’ve believed it.

We work ourselves until we all shut down,


After which, the game simply resets.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this about a year back when I was in one of my 'soul-searchy' moods.  It means a lot to me, as I believe it to be one of my finest poems.

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