When the world is one in nation and in thought
in dedicated preservation,
philosophies will weave intricately, forming patterns;
zealous in deed,
artistic in use,
spiritual in dreams of
mental mechanism abuse.
One hero will emerge
with the power
to do nothing,
but sit on the fence
until it feels it’s time to act;
which could happen
if the world moved to extremes,
but it doesn’t anymore.
It only seems to gravitate
but if it made a move
to move,
only then
will E Quator* strike unseen.
Only needing light enough
to visualize the perfect balance,
the point where shades of gray are separated
to a point
where fulcrums tip the scales
in no one’s favor,
everybody wins
while everyone loses.
*pronounced ‘ee KWAY-tore’ - s/he’s very particular about that