The ides of ideas is upon us,
carried on silver backs,
shining with red hands,
snapping up lesser forms.
The first,
swimming in the stream of consciousness,
aware of itself only in impulse.
Defined by actions
instigated in carefree disarray
subtlety was lost on it
until given time to grow.
The first was a stage
outgrown by age and abandoned by reason.
The next,
more complete of itself
is in the midst of now.
Sliding slowly back to instincts,
yet separate nonetheless.
All intricately confusing,
commotion movement dancing,
to and fro necessity
exaggerated from simplicity.
System construct parameters,
expanding wire walls
to prevent undesirable escape.
Digital polydecimal verification.
Statistic sophistication resizes,
derivatives eating away the foundation.
Manipulation rampantly engaged,
equally ignored.
Acceptance of the next
is where we find ourselves.
The final,
fully perfect in every way and past imagination
travels faster than the past
from the central point.
Preparedness lacking,
answers fading,
the wrong questions raised,
the right ones ignored and trivialized.
Point of view determination
perception circumvention
facts erased replaced with biased minds
but all will come to rest before
the devastating truth
that everything was meant to be
the way it happened
that was outside of control.
The final will never end,
nothing subsequent will continue
any subsequent cycle.