From The Unholy War!


Porno idiots sick mind

Exploit the wives

Of wounded soldiers

Show off

Decadent culture

These women,

Gyrate in the nude,


Forced to expose bodies

And their teeth, in cheese!

As if holding smiles.

Lies utter lies

Why do call names,

Shower disgrace

To Babylon


Sinful Kingdom

Of the Past, as if it was!

Ah! Making prostitutes

Out of brides and when

They do not consent

Instead give a divorce

Choose to be the fourth

That they face no uncouth

But find a home with kids

A scarf that her dignity protects

Start tirade on such female names!

Or send a crash under the bridge

Or in a tunnel at the least -

Pity these women forced to pose

Just to collect money

For their spouses -

Who are they? But those

Wounded British soldiers

Monster Media or monster rogues

Protest them and they will get at your nose

Too close, and burn you alive like Joan of Arc!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Nackt fürs Vaterland: Soldatenbräute ziehen blank
Um Geld für britische Soldaten zu sammeln, die während ihres Kampfeinsatzes im Irak und Afghanistan verletzt oder traumatisiert wurden, haben sich die Ehefrauen und Freundinnen von britischen Soldaten ausgezogen. Der Erlös aus dem Verkauf des Kalenders kommt den Verwundeten zugute.

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