Hunched back witch
Yell, scream screech
Sheer clumsy shrill
Murky locks style.
Carry sly smile.
Ungraceful filmy role
Eyeball socket hole
Outlined dark kohl
Hither thither
Slant eyes roll.
Spread bad vibes
Shoot umpteen lies.
Extremities reveal.
Instead a plausible
Snap cranky replies.
Trade mark her
Dishonesty oozes.
Backchat bellows vice
Dangerously dull.
Powder of the nose
Do no help.
Intelligence is
In which the appalling witch fails.
Honesty of purpose is dash of mental grace.
Not to exploit those by hook or crook, mad race.
However, pompous and rich the witch is a bad witch.
She mops people with poison, frustration the awful reason.