

Make many digs

Mugs and bowls

Howl and scowl

High Court roads

Know all Bengalis.

Body cut into two.


Flee Bengalis

From east to west

Punjab and Bengal

Refugees overflow.

Partition scenes

Red-hot glows.

Against imperialism

Up in arms were

Both States

Scattered seeds

Around the world

Punjabis and

Bengalis found.


Fit in here, fit in there.

Singh or Jut Punjabi sings.

Chant in “Gurudwaras” hymns.

Bengalis Noble Laureate’s culture brings.

Besides, Durga worship never forgets.

Moreover that they were forced outdoors

And like the Germans cut into piece

They seem to resemble them in their stinks.

“Mache-Draht Zaun”

Stinky seedy secret in tiny grain lies.

East West Germany however unites.

Please let no shockwave choke the brain.

Eat sausages with mustard sauce pungent.

Enjoy cooked mustard leaves with

Cornflower bread; baked lobsters in curd,

Coconut, mustard oil, paste - Delicacies, that

Minds of son in law, rake.

Not is mustard savoured taste. Bengalis; Punjabis relax

Mustard oil, body rubs. German experiments mustard aromas

Enhance. Buddha promises “Kisa Gotami” to revive her child. Ask

“A little mustard seed, from any house, by death unaffected find.”

Fervent search such fails. She learns all are fugacious blossoms.

Impermanent - Frohnau Berlin Edelhofdamm, founded Dr Dahlke

Buddhist Home; today, tourist attracts. Also a German Dr Schmidt

Leave legacy in cash to the society of non-violence.

Mustard seeds episodic.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Mustard adds, taste food. In German known, it is as 'Senf'. (Sarson ka sag--makkai-di-roti) gourmet food for Punjabis while "Mach Bhapae" for the Bengalis. Wonder who else enjoy mustard like these people! Mouthwatering mustard paste -- Punjabis are Kshatriyas, Bengalis needed no one to show them the way to High Courts, German mania Ossies, Wessie are all typical outcome -- King Solomon was absent. Ref:-Mustard gas should we not learn from our past, lessons to live in harmony laughing away our follies? Proceed with intelligence into good times and not threaten times...

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